Become a literacy tutor

Help another adult overcome barriers.  Some of our 60 volunteer tutors find the experience so rewarding, they have been with us for years.

You can set your own hours, access lots of resources and receive ongoing support from staff. Your training will include a screening interview and 3 evening sessions (at our office near Donlands and Cosburn).  You will be matched with a student for weekly 2 hour meetings at our office.  We ask for a minimum one year commitment to our program.

What to expect?  During a student’s intake process, staff and student will have gathered background info including previous educational and employment experience, completed an informal assessment and established literacy goals while in the program in connection with the student’s goal pathway. You and your student will develop weekly lesson plans (check out our Volunteer Handbook for ideas) based on the detailed individualized training plan prepared by a staff member.  Try to achieve one short-term goal in each lesson to build your student’s confidence and self-esteem.

Our next Tutor Training will take place in Fall 2023.  Contact us for more details at 416-425-2666 or

“I’m learning as much as I’m teaching.”

Join our Fundraising Committee

Looking to put your creative ideas into action?  Our committee meets monthly (excluding July and August) to plan events to financially support our program.  In the past, we have hosted pub nights, theatre nights, Skate for Literacy, ticket raffles, bake sales and more.

Join our Board of Directors


Board & HR Committee members hard at work

The board meets monthly, on Wednesday or Thursday evenings at our office (no meetings in July and August). Board members are recruited in April and elected at our Annual General Meeting in June.  Positions are for a 2 year term.

“It is my way of giving back to the community    and it feels great.”